“An outstanding work on impact investing, and a must read for anyone wanting to make a difference. This book will show you how to deploy your resources for the long-term good of others in a way that is best suited to your gifts and talents.”
the challenge
In the fall of 2017, I was challenged to write a book about what I had learned along my own personal journey to impact. I ignored the challenge for about six months. But sometime in the spring of 2018, I felt like it was a challenge I needed to accept. Candidly, I never thought it would make it through the vetting and critiques of the publishing process. But I thought that at the very least, it would help me to synopsize what I had learned so that I could more effectively continue along my own personal, lifelong journey to impact.
I’ve discovered six simple yet profound steps which have helped me systematically align my values, expertise and finances in a way that maximized my unique impact on what really mattered.
During this journey, I realized that these same six steps can help anyone create a unique, purpose-driven impact strategy that is effective, sustainable, catalytic, and multi-generational.
Follow any of the links below to purchase your own copy and discover how these six steps can powerfully impact your own life!
“Ed Gillentine masterfully invites the reader alongside his honest, introspective journey to impact that both inspires and challenges the mind, soul, and wallet to focus on sustainable, yet practical solutions that are aligned with the needs of the communities we want to serve”
“Living a life intended for impact requires a deliberate effort to understand what type of impact you want to make in your community, or if you are thinking bigger, in the world. Journey to Impact is full of practical principles and steps that help align your passions, experiences, and resources to maximize a purpose-driven impact that is unique to you and your family.”
“If you are going to Africa to set up a for-profit (or non-profit, for that matter), you’d be smart to take Ed along as your guide. Ed knows the territory. He understands the obstacles. He anticipates the pitfalls. Ed sees with clarity what apparently is nearly invisible to everyone else.”